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Statistics Few Pack Neutral
Town Fortress Fortress Neutral
5 6 4
1 1 1
8 8 7
7 11 8
Cost 12 18
Abilities Place 1 faction cube on the target. At the beginning of its every activation, remove it to inflict 1 . Place 2 faction cubes on the target. At the beginning of its every activation, remove 1 of them to inflict 1 . After the attack, roll 1 Attack die. On a "0" result, deal 1 to the target unit.


  • Few and Pack - Enemy units, that were attacked by the Wyverns, receive damage on each activation, as long as there is at least one faction cube on them.
  • Few and Pack - If Trolls or Wraiths were attacked by the Wyverns, both the damage and the healing take place simultaneously. This means Trolls only remove up to 2 . Nothing happens for faction (Few and Pack) Wraiths, and their Neutral variant removes up to 1 .

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