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Name Effect Content
A Shady Auction Repeat 3 times: Reveal the top card from the Artifact deck. In secret, each player takes as much in their hand as they are willing to pay for it. Then reveal your bets at the same time. The one with the highest proposal discards the and claims the card. If there are no bets or there is a tie, discard the card. Fortress Expansion
Artifact Merchant Draw 5 artifacts. You can buy either any number of them or the face-up card from the Artifact discard pile. After finishing, give the rest of the cards to the player on the left. The exchange goes on until the last card is bought or the cards return to the one who drew them. Minor Artifacts cards cost 3 , Major 5 , Relic 7 . Fortress Expansion
Crypt Each player chooses one option:
Gain Negative Morale. Then roll 2 . If any of them shows #, you gain nothing. Otherwise, resolve one result.

— OR —

Gain Positive Morale.

— OR —

Only for . Reinforce one of your or for half the cost.
Fortress Expansion
Cursed Swamp Each player chooses one option:
Gain Negative Morale. Then roll 2 and choose one result.

— OR —

Remove one or more from your hand; if you remove at least 2, Search (3) the Artifact deck.

— OR —

Discard your cheapest unit.

— OR —

Only for . Reinforce one of your or for free.
Fortress Expansion
Den of Thieves Take the top 2 cards from a Neutral Unit deck of your choice. You may buy one of them. Then decide what to do with the remaining card(s) - you may place them at the bottom or top of the respective Neutral Unit deck. Fortress Expansion
Garden of Revelation Each player chooses one option:
Draw 4 cards either from your discard pile or your deck. Then Remove any number of Spell or Ability cards from your hand. For every two cards removed this way, you can perform Search(2) the Spell deck or the Ability deck. After that, discard all cards from hand and draw up to your .

— OR —

Leave and gain nothing.
Fortress Expansion
Library of Enlightenment For every player in the game, draw the top two Spell cards and put them face-up within all players' reach. Each player can buy once of these for 6 or 2 . Fortress Expansion
Mage Laboratory For every player in the game, draw two Spell cards and place them face-up within all players' reach. Each player can buy one of these for 4 or 1 . If a player buys a card, they immediately shuffle their deck and discard pile along with the newly bought card. Fortress Expansion
Magical Forest Choose 1 Spell, Artifact, or Ability card from your hand and put it face-down on the table.

— OR —

Draw and view 1 card from the Spell, Artifact, or Ability deck and put it face-down on the table.

When all players have added a card to the pool, shuffle it. Each player can now either take a card from the pool or gain 4 .
Fortress Expansion
Market of Time Each player chooses one option:
Discard as many cards as you want, then draw new cards up to your +2. Remove any number of Ability or Spell cards from your hand. For every two cards removed this way, you can perform Search (2) the Artifact deck.

— OR —

Leave and gain nothing.
Fortress Expansion
Marketplace Each player chooses one option:
Roll 1 and resolve its effects.

— OR —

Trade resources using Trading Post rules.

— OR —

Propose an exchange of resources with other players - one type of resource for one type of resource. Each player can propose one deal.
Fortress Expansion
Mercenary Camp Each player can draw up to 2 Neutral Unit from one of the chosen decks. Then they are spread on the table, and each player can Recruit one of them. Fortress Expansion
Messenger with Supplies Each player draws 2 top cards from the Artifact deck and then chooses one option:
Buy one of the cards. Minor Artifacts cards cost 3 , Major 5 , Relic 7 .

— OR —

Put them both on the Artifact discard pile to roll 2 and resolve one of them.
Fortress Expansion
Mischievous Leprechaun Pool 2 and 2 , roll them, and put them within all players' reach. Starting from the player who drew this event, each player rolls 1 and 1 . If they can match any of the pool's rolls, they may take one matching die from the pool and resolve its effects. Fortress Expansion
Prison Draw 2 Neutral Unit cards from any deck (except for Azure). You can buy one of them or discard it to gain 3 . After that, pass the remaining card to the next player. That player also draws a Neutral Unit card from any deck (except for Azure) and repeats the rest of the process. The exchange goes on till every player has a chance to choose something. Fortress Expansion
School of Magic and School of War Each player chooses one option:
Discard as many cards as you want, then draw new cards up to your +2. Remove any number of Ability or Spell cards from your hand. For every two cards removed this way, you can perform Search (2) the Ability deck or the Spell deck.

— OR —

Leave and gain nothing.
Fortress Expansion
Shrine of the Magic Thought For every player in the game, draw two random Spell cards and place them face-up within all players' reach. Each player can either buy one of these for 6 or 2 or roll and resolve 1 . Place the remaining, not bought, cards in the Spell discard pile. Fortress Expansion
Stables Each player chooses one option:
Your Main hero gains +1 .

— OR —

1 from any of your heroes to roll 1 .
Fortress Expansion
The Villagers' Plea Each player chooses one option:
Remove an Artifact or Spell card from your hand.

— OR —


— OR —


— OR —

1 from any of your heroes.
Fortress Expansion
Withered Hermit Each player chooses one option:
Name a resource that will not show on any of the dice, then roll 3 . If you are correct, resolve one of the dice. If you are wrong, choose one result and subtract it from you resources.

— OR —

Roll 1 . You may pay the indicated resources to Search(2) the Artifact deck.

— OR —

Leave and gain nothing.
Fortress Expansion

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