Major Artifact¶
- Minor artifacts have a red frame.
- 1 When playing according to the tournament rules, minor artifacts may be obtained on Near (Ⅳ-Ⅴ) and Center (Ⅵ-Ⅶ) tiles.
List of Major Artifacts¶
- Ambassador's Sash
- Arms of Legion
- Breastplate of Brimstone
- Cape of Velocity
- Cards of Prophecy
- Dragon Scale Shield
- Endless Bag of Gold
- Endless Purse of Gold
- Everflowing Crystal Cloak
- Everpouring Vial of Mercury
- Golden Bow
- Head of Legion
- Mystic Orb of Mana
- Necklace of Dragonteeth
- Ogre's Club of Havoc
- Pendant of Courage
- Pendant of Negativity
- Pendant of Second Sight
- Recanter's Cloak
- Shackles of War
- Shield of the Damned
- Surcoat of Counterpoise
- Sword of Hellfire
- Targ of the Rampaging Ogre
- Tunic of the Cyclops King
- Vial of Lifeblood
See Also¶
Exceptions for specific game modes. This explanation is not valid for all game modes. The specific variant for the game mode is mentioned in the text. ↩